Woodworking in the Buff

Blog owner Dustin marking a cut line on some wood for a project.

Something new I’ve been doing is trying to always work in my wood shop in the buff. I’ve been doing woodworking since a very young age but I’ve recently found that I rather enjoy it more while nude.

Of course, safety is my number one priority and I take proper precautions when necessary. Most of the work can actually be more dangerous when clothes as the articles of clothing can get caught up on a tool or machine.

Doing some woodworking in my shop on a warm fall day.

I’ve been working on building some Christmas presents for my nephews and I’m preparing to build an outdoor bench. I learned through experience that doing anything nude is just more comfortable and at times even more safe.

When I’m working g nude I feel like I am more cautious than when I am wearing clothing. When I can feel everything on my skin I’m more confident in what I’m doing. Being a naturist is simply doing normal things nude. Being nude while doing woodworking lets me connect even more with my projects.

What kind of crafts do you do nude?

Sanding some wood for a small toolbox for my nephew.

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